I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Holy Week!

Back from a trip to beautiful London! I had the good fortune to take Mrs. CC and the clergy kids- they played whilst I worked. Highlights included a private viewing (no one else showed up) of "The Pacifier". The kids thought it was "totally hilarious" and Mrs. CC said it was ridiculous. Anyhoo, we got back yesterday just in time for me to make my NT class at seminary- yippee. After having my "theologically-challenged" butt kicked by the material, I was thoroughly wasted upon arrival back at the house around 10:15 where I found Clergy girls camped out on the hide a bed in the so-called "great" room, because their room ain't finished yet (see Monday's post) and they were watching one of their fave movies- "Oklahoma". I came in just when Poor Judd Fry and Curly's showdown in the smokehouse- high drama, for sure. I kissed them and went back to the bedouir (is that spelled right?) to find the lovely Mrs. CC still awake. I asked about the Maundy Thursday service they went to and she said it was fine. One of our elderly, hard of hearing, and barely able to get around choir members decided to let out an extra loud yawn as he was getting up to go down front for communion- she said the whole choir nearly busted a gut.

Since there was no child care (don't ask) the littlest clergy kid sat with his eight year old sister in the very front pew and was nearly perfect for almost the entire length of the service- an hour and twenty! Can you believe it? I got me a good family...

I hope you all have a blessed weekend and remember- it's for us that He died and it's for him that we live!

And May All Your Easter Eggs Be White,

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