I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Above Ground

I talked to the beautiful Mrs. CC over the weekend about how we would spend our fifteenth anniversary weekend (May 13). There is a marriage weekend "retreat" of sorts scheduled in Colorado Springs. The cost is one thing (about $1000.) but child care is quite another...

I had lunch with my little sister last Friday and during the course of our conversation it came up that we will be married fiftenn years come May and I did not mention what, at that time was only in the back of my mind (the Colo. Springs weekend) when she stated frimly, "Hey, I am volunteering my services the weekend of your anniversary to come to your house and watch your kids while you and the Mrs. get away for the weekend- the whole weekend. Unbelievable! All the more reason to go on the trip, right!? We'll see.

Our pastor preached about Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones, asking the question: "Can these dry bones live? Only God knows... Some days are drier than others, right?

Following the Sunday service, we have a kind of "receiving" line where me, the pastor, and student assistant "meet and greet" folks as they leave. Many hugs, some tears, and some off the wall comments like, "It sure was cold in there this morning, can't you do something about the heat?" Or, when asked how one was getting along replied, "Well, I'm still above ground!" I thought the words above ground were only associated with swimming pools. I guess if I were in my twilight years, I might say the same thing. Life is sometimes just about being above ground.

Your Captain

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