I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Where are my People?

I'm sort of discouraged that my posts are not being read (or at least not commented on). Give me some feedback, people!

It's been a few days since last we talked, but I'm not so sure I have anything to tell you about my clergy life. I preached at Little Church in the Country last Sunday and loved it! 'Twas a beautiful day and I like flying "solo". Maybe it's a control thing, but I just love being the one who decides what to say in the prayers, liturgy, etc.. It is so freeing! I don't quite know why I don't do it more at Home church. Probably because there are many more people to offend. At Little Church there are only about twenty-five regulars, whom I only see a half dozen times a year. After the service, I set our little family van on cruise at 55 mph, rolled down the window, rolled up my sleeves and took the long way home.

Anyhow, our holiday weekend consisted of doing lots of little things that we, otherwise, haven't had time to get around to. I wasn't really busy, per se, so I managed to squeeze out some Sabbath through the course of the last four days. Are leisure and sabbath the same thing? I think that Sabbath is reflective and contemplative and leisure is turning off the brain and perhaps just sitting in front of the tube or the internet looking and feeling kind of numb. I feel like I am where God wants me right now.

God: "Three things Cappy: 1.Don't quit your day job yet- I need you there. 2. Play, and I mean really play, with the kids- while they still want you to play with them. They need you and you need to laugh all of your laugh every now and then. 3. Cherish your beautiful wife. 4. Talk to me more often."

The Clergy family (plus one) departs for the beautiful south on Friday and won't return until June11. No blog until your Captain returns.

Blessings Get All Over You!


Theresa Coleman said...

The peeps are on vacation. At least, I was. Have fun in the Sunny South. We do!

steve said...

Thank you for reading...


Darlene Schacht said...

I popped in while you were gone, but I'm hoping you're having a good one.

Everyone's comments are lower in the summer so don't think you're not being read, we're still here, just part time.

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