I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Too Busy For Fun

Since this is my blog and I've had so many visitors (0), I felt an obligation to update ye olde blog today. The aforementioned weekend was busy and not completely chaotic. The Finn bros. were excellent- I went back to the eighties for a bit! Saturday's "concert" was very successful, if not well-attended and we were tighter than tight! Sunday come around and I was nearly out o' gas. Then on a plane for GR and to a Servant Leadership seminar Monday from 8 to noon- back on a plane for home- many delays- home at midnight.

I have a hard time really enjoying weekends like last. So busy, I don't have "time" to enjoy. I'm so worried about the details (e.g., will we sound good at our concert? will I miss the plane? Will it be snowing? Will the hotrl have a res. for me? Will my rental car be nice and big?) you get the idea.

I am working on that! Help me,Lord!

1 comment:

St. Casserole said...

Hello! Ol'Rev.Mike's Hash House suggested we visit you. I'm PCUSA clergy in the deep South. Glad to find your blog. Write, brother, write!