I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Latest and goodest

Friday June 9, 2006- 8:12 a.m.

Today is the end of a long and grueling week. Clergy kid 1 has had a bit of laryngitis and some allergy stuff going on since Sunday and she hasn’t been sleeping well (too much coughing). Therefore, Mrs. CC and I haven’t been sleeping well, either. Wed. night I slept on the couch to avoid Anytime one of the kids gets sick I am convinced- in my own twisted, little brain- that he or she is being sick just to make me angry. Like they can control whether they get sick or not! I am so all about me!

MH has had a terrible cough this week, too. Except when she coughs, she really coughs! It sounds like a lawn mower running over a steel blade when she coughs. UGH. Leave that at home, girl…

I took JH to lunch the other day and we talked (gossiped) about everyone in the building. We weren’t ruthless or mean, we just had discussions about the people and their situations.

11:17 a.m.
I can’t stand to see KM or RW around the building- they make me extremely nervous! I’m going to lunch now- 11:30-1:00- woo hoo! I sent a text message to my wife asking her for some special time tonight- I like my chances!

3:23 p.m.
I am desperately trying to keep my eyes open! I am working on my sermon for next weekend. I guess it’s not a very good sign when the person that is writing the sermon is falling asleep! What a snoozer this promises to be for all the others that will hear it.

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