I am 49 year old father of three and husband of one (for life)

Friday, April 22, 2005

Inside and Out

Friday again! I have had a somewhat hectic week with much travel and little family time. The only good in that is I can get some major studying done as my final in NT approaches.

Mrs. CC has spent a good part of her week in the chiropractor's office getting "adjusted" and her problem I spoke of last week doesn't seem to be a major medical concern. The chirco. said that a major contributor to her pain was stress. Can you believe it? STRESS!!!!!!! Three kids (plus babysitting two others) all of which want her attention every second of the day, mountains of laundry, meals to prepare and clean up after (I help when I'm there) and a husband that wants all of her attemtion, too! WHADDYA MEAN STRESS? SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY STRESS!!!! WHAT ABOUT ME??? (no more caps). I mean, I work (most of the time), bring home the proverbial bacon, wear nice clothes everyday, eat out for lunch almost every day (sometimes I pay), and get to have somewhat meaningful conversations with grown up people. I've got it tough too, buddy!

Anyhoo, I'm filling the pulpit at a local church that has decided to sell their building and meet at the the local "Y". Their pastor asked a while back and I gladly accepted. This will mean that I won't be at Home church this weekend at all (a good thing), not beacause I don't love the people there, it's just nice to get out a bit.

Rambling... In my job, there are evaluation sheets filled out after every session I teach. Most of them are positive and helpful. As a matter of fact, I don't put a tremendous amount of stock in the responses, because people just fill them out and want to go home because they're typically filled out at the end of each session. I got an Email from a boss yesterday saying that two of his people had participated in a recent session of mine and had some "concerns". Now, I haven't dug into this yet, but when I read something like that, I automatically interpret it as criticism of me- directly into the heart and soul of me!!! I succedeed in letting that one little comment nearly ruin my day yesterday! How in the world could someone have that much power over me?

A prayer...
Lord, why do I feel so inadequate when other people offer constructive criticism?
Help me today to accept the wholenees that you have offered me through Christ.
You have fashioned me in the image of your son, inside and out. I may appear to have it all together from the outside, but I can only feel that way on the inside when I trust and rest in you.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Family Tradition

I have a cousin that was in town this weekend (I didn't get to see him) and I was thinking that I probably haven't talked to him since the last family funeral. If we had talked over the weekend I suspect our conversation would have gone something like this:

CUZ: "So, I hear you're a preacher now?"
CC: "Yeah, sorta."
CUZ: "Following in grandpa's footsteps are ya?"
CC: Yeah, but there are a few differences..."
CUZ: "Like what?"
CC: For starters, grandpa was an alcoholic, paranoid schizophrenic, manic depressive, and sometimes violent man that was caught in one of the biggest cults in the world!"
CUZ: Oh.

Now, I'm not the picture of perfection by any stretch but at least I take medicine for my chemical imbalances! My grandpa was a tormented man and was sucked into the JWs along with his wife and family (my dad). I really believe that is was only by the grace of God that my dad survived his childhood much less overcome some of his own personal demons.

Meanwhile, we had good weekend that included the first of nine sermons on the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22 ff). Love was the first "fruit" discussed. My dad used to say in his AA talks, "Love is the answer, what's your question?"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I haven't posted for a few days and I'm not sure why. I like the idea of having a blog much better than actually writing for it. Anyway, today is Wednesday and I just returned from my third consecutive free lunch of the week- now that's important! Is there any theological significance to this, you ask? No.

I preached last weekend at Home church using the Emmaus Road experience taken from Luke's gospel (24:13-35). The message was titled "Timing is Everything" and the main idea I wanted to convey was: when we feel we have reached low points in our lives and feel as though God has "abandoned" us (like the two apostles at Emmaus may have felt), God will provide exactly what we need, when we need it.

When people ask me "how'd your sermon go last weekend?" I really don't know what to say other than, "I had help." I guess I could ramble on about my superior oratorical skills or my folksy-yet- humorous-yet profoundly spiritual commentary and insights regarding the text and its application to our daily lives- but I'll leave that one to the experts.

One church member (a genral practitioner) came through "the line" following the service and I thought it was a bit unusual because the good doctor doesn't normally go in for that kind of thing(socializing). As he approached I was thinking, "He's probably coming through to tell me what a great message I preached and that I would be a fool not to pursue full-time ministry, etc. As I held out my hand to shake his, he grabbed mine saying, "Did you know that the pew bibles and the hymnals have the same cover on them? Whatever.

Family life: We attended the littlest clergy kid's tee ball game Monday night and the girls brought a friend from the neioghborhood. Whilst the game was in progress, the girls were playing at the playground nearby. There happened to be a smart $#$# kid (boy) that made some off color remarks (too involved a story to tell) about the girls' mother (my wife). Anyway, the game wrapped up and the girls couldn't wait to tell me what little Johnny Troublemaker said about their mom. "Dad, what are you gonna do about it?"
"Relax, I'll take care of it", old dad said.

We all piled into the truck and pulling away "the boy" appeared. "Dad, that's him! That's the kid that said those nasty things about mom!"

I pulled the truck to the curb, rolled down my window, and cricked my index finger at the sexually frustrated, pre-pubescent potty mouth.

CC:"Young man... could you come over here, please? (Young man looks around as if I'm talking to someone other than him).


CC:"Yes, could you come here, please?"

BOY:"Sure." (His cheeks are red and has broken into a cold sweat- a lot of guys get that way when I get in their faces)

CC:"Did you say something about my wife?"


CC:"Did you say something about my wife?"


CC:"Are you sure?"

BOY: "Yes." (drop of sweat on tip of nose)


I then gave him one of my "You lying little fart, I should beat the crapola out of you, but I won't" looks.

Let me explain. I will not listen to nor tolearate anyone talking smack about my wife or my kids at anytime in anyplace and I want them to know that and to witness me standing up for them! Now, what's the theological significance in that?

Gotta run- CC

did you say something about my wife?"


Friday, April 08, 2005

Oh, what a beautiful weekend...

I woke the clergy girls up this morning with the following words:

CC: "Girls, I have two words for you- KELLY CLARKSON!"

8 year old clergy kid: "I have two words for you- BE QUIET!"

Mrs. CC is taking our two girls (11 and 8) to see Kelly Clarkson tonight- they (all three) are so geeked! I would kind of like to see her too, except that we can't just leave the clergy boy at home by himself now can we? So, the Captain and the Kid have a guy's night out tonight. I think we'll start out about three with a trip to the video store and rent "Star Wars" (the first one). Then we're planning on going to eat (his choice- probably McD), then to a baseball game where we'll spend the majority of the game at the playground- me watching him ride the Merry Go Round ($1 a pop) and me freezing my clergy buns off! I suspect we'll leave no later than the top of the fourth inning.

Upon returning home, we'll get ready for bed (no, we don't wear matching Spiderman jammies), turn on the Star Wars movie and fall asleep within ten minutes, his oversized head resting on my shoulder. Life is good.

Meanwhile, back at the concert, Mrs. CC is down front in the mosh pit and the clergy girls are on the shoulders of two fifteen year old guys named Chase and Hunter- ugh.

The Captain

Monday, April 04, 2005

Skipping, walking and the Pope

Don't know if you've heard, but the Pope died over the weekend at the age of one-hundred and six. I am amazed at the amount of coverage the networks have given this. The networks brought in the morning "A" teams. You know, Charlie and Diane at ABC; Katie and Matt at NBC and Steve and Edyie at CBS(who cares). Anyway, there is a good news- bad news angle to this whole thing.

The good news is that the name of Jesus Christ has never been heard (in a good way) on network tv as much as it has the last few days. The bad news is that most people hear the message coming from someone with a collar on might say, "He's a priest- he's supposed to say that kind of stuff." In other words- in one ear and out the other.

The good news is that the Catholic Church overall, is decidedly pro-life. The bad news is that a handful of folks who represent any other pro-life Christian community get very little (if any) attention from the networks- ever.

The good news is that there are millions of people around the world that are deeply committed to their Catholic traditions as evidenced by the prayer vigils, and deep sadness over the Pope's passing (at one hundred and twelve). The bad news is, at the end of the day, it's not about organized religions or the its leaders- it's about Jesus and what he has done for us. It's about focusing our attention on Jesus and trying to live our lives as he would if he had our bodies and our minds to live his life through.

Otherwise, Mrs. CC and I went to a couples' night out at a local church with some neighbors. A nice time was had by all. One of the highlights was a conversation I had with one of our neighbors:

CC: Hey, what do you do for exercise?
Neighbor: Not much, play basketball now and then.
CC: I'd like to start walking in the mornings. Would you be up for that?
Neighbor: I'd rather run. Hey, I know, why don't we combine the two and skip around the block in the mornings- whaddya think?
CC: OK! Sounds great- skipping is often made fun of and I have never really understood why...

At one point during the evening a "survey" of sorts went out with a few questions. This one stuck out for me:

What brings you contentment and peace? Sex. Walking. Having sex while walking. Is that so wrong?

Following our deep discussions at the church function, we all (the women) decided to go to the restaurant across the street and drink margaritas and daquiris (sp?). When is the last time I laughed so hard?